Food Preparation & Service at St. Vincent de Paul

SVdP kitchen: 105 Bonita St. Roseville,

In Matthew 25: 31-46, the Lord directs us to feed the hungry. Our St. Vincent De Paul (SVdP) ministry has been committed and active for over fifteen years. We serve the second Tuesday of every month plus the first Thursday of every other month. Our efforts with this local ministry include preparing a meal, serving the meal, and cleaning up dishes. You do not need experience, just a willing and loving heart!  We arrive by 9:15 a.m. and are usually finished by 1:30 p.m. We always welcome volunteers and are actively looking to build a consistent team of folks that we can rotate amongst. If you are over the age of fourteen and would like to be involved in rolling up your sleeves and helping those less fortunate than ourselves, please contact Annie Moore at 978-473-4756 (text message preferred).

Ushering & Candle Duty

This is an opportunity to welcome individuals to our Parish, to assist with the placement of candles, to receive offerings from the faithful and also to usher individuals as they approach the Holy Chalice to receive the Holy Eucharist.

Preparing Flowers for Feast Days


"Whatever you do, do for the glory of God" (1 Cor 10:31)

Saint Anna Flower Ministry lists church services through 2020.  An individual or family (opportunity to involve your children) can sign up to decorate the icon, bring a vased flower arrangement or both.  It is a beautiful offering of love for a special Feast Day, adoration of our Lord, the Theotokos, or our beloved Saint Anna.

Your offering of flowers can be a simple as a gathering of flowers from your yard, flowers from Trader Joes or Whole Foods, or a combination of your choosing.  If you prefer to sponsor the icon frame to be dressed by a florist, Bartlett's Florist in Roseville (916-781-8768) will take care of all the details of decorating it and having it ready in the church for service.  They are also available to deliver a vase of flowers.  You would just need to contact them.

The frame, for the icon, makes artistry out of any combination of flowers.  It has been custom fabricated and should not leave the church to avoid damage.  Therefore, the frame will need to be dressed at the church during office hours for both evening and morning services.  The frame needs to be ready and in the church no later than 15 minutes, before the service.  The flowers will stay fresh if they are placed in the frame the afternoon before a morning service.

     Markella (916-599-6909) is the coordinator and requests that you contact her prior to your first icon dressing.

"What makes a person holy is love, the adoration of Christ", Elder Porphyris, Wounded by Love

Coffee Hour (Sunday Fellowship)

Following Sunday Divine Services, our families gather in our Church Hall or on our patio for Christian Fellowship and to welcome visitors to our community. This fellowship is hosted by members of our parish family. If you are interested in hosting this fellowship, or volunteering in any way, please click the button below to select a time to serve. 

Festival of St Anna

Join in the fun as we celebrate our first festival in four years! Our Greek Fest will be celebrated in September, the weekend closest to the Feast of Ss. Joachim and Anna (September 9). So this year we will celebrate on 9-10 September. Please visit for more information.


We need everyone's help to make this possible! “Signup for shift(s)”